
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Testimonial Tuesday!

Our testimonial today comes from a young college student. Ciara is in her fourth year at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. It is a four year medical school in which they learn to diagnose and treat patients therapeutically with a variety of natural holistic methods. Her story is a lot like other students, stressed out, long days, long nights leading to fatigue. Here is how her experience with our supplements went.

"As a personal testimonial, I heard about NADH from one of my instructors. I knew about NADH and its role in cellular energy metabolism from Biochemistry, nut was not aware of it being available as a supplement. I have suffered from chronic fatigue and adrenal burnout from increased stress since I started school three years ago. I decided to try the product. I have been taking ENADA 5mg daily in the morning for a little over one month now and have had absolutely phenomenal results.

Prior to beginning the NADH, I had daily fatigue, unable to exercise because of fatigue. I had no energy reserve at all, as I became very stingy of how I was going to spend my energy in any given day. I needed more and more coffee to remain somewhat alert. I had "brain fog," I felt sluggish kind of like I had a cloud hanging over my body. I was sometimes forgetful and it was very difficult to wake up and stay focused in my studies. Even with taking an adrenal glandular supplement and dessicated thyroid, it did not help much. From the first day I took Enada, I noticed a different state of mind, was able to think clearly, and felt more energetic. I all of a sudden had mental clarity with a sharp state of mind, was able to think clearly and felt more energy, I was able to to start exercising for at least 30 min a day. My muscles used to get fatigued very quickly before, but now they don't get as tired or painful, I could easily keep going for longer periods of time. I no longer need coffee to get me through the day. If I drink coffee now its by choice, not necessity.

I am so excited about the merits of this product as it has worked so well for me, I will continue to use if for myself and recommend or prescribe it to the many people I work with, as I already have.

Ciara Gail"

She had such amazing results! We are so pleased we are able to help so many different people in so many ways! If you have a story to share or just want to give our products a try. Check out our website here! 

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