
Friday, February 21, 2014

Fact Friday

Time for Fun Fact Friday!

This fun fact Friday is all about nutrition and the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to be healthy and function properly.Healthy eating = Healthy Living and a better quality of life. 

1. Potassium. 

It is recommended that we have around 4.6 grams of potassium a day. Potassium keeps your blood pressure healthy, supports fertility, and is important for your muscle and nerve function. 

Examples of a few food with potassium: Bananas, Milk, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Avocados and Leafy greens.  

2. Magnesium 

It is recommended that we have around 400mg of magnesium a day. Magnesium deficiency are liked to osteoporosis, diabetes, high blood pressure, muscle cramps. 

Examples of a few food with magnesium: Almonds, Spinach, Beans, Peas, Whole Grains. 

3. Calcium

It is recommended that we have around 1000mg of calcium a day. Calcium supports strong bones and teeth, muscle function, hearth rhythm, prevents high blood pressure. 

Examples of a few food with Calcium: Dairy Products, Salmon, Kale, and Broccoli. 

4. Fiber

It is recommended that we have around 25-35 grams of fiber a day. Fiber lowers cholesterol, improves digestion, and lowers the risk of heart disease.

Examples of a few food with Fiber: Whole Grains, Leafy Greens, Fresh Produce, and Beans.

5. Vitamin A

It is recommended that we have around 900mcg for men and 700mcg for women a day. Vitamin A supports good vision, immunity, and tissue growth.  

Examples of a few food with Vitamin A: Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Spinach, Broccoli, and Squash.

6. Vitamin D

It is recommended that we have around 600mcg of vitamin D a day. Vitamin D supports healthy bones, muscular nerve fibers, and boots your immune system. 

Examples of a few food with Vitamin D: Sunlight, Salmon, Mushrooms, Liver, Cheese, Fortified Cereal. 

7. Vitamin C

It is recommended that we have around 80mg of vitamin C a day. Vitamin C supports immunity, boots growth of bones and tissue, and protects cells from free radicals. 

Examples of a few food with Vitamin C: Bell Peppers, Leafy Greens, Oranges, Strawberries, and Kiwi.

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